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♥ Sunday, November 25, 2007♥

Hey people...guess you all are curious abt nite duty rite??hw was is?wat to do..blah blah blah LOL ^^ Basically, nite duty all you do is to attend to patients needs, parameters, updating of charts, do topping up...kept yawning (hehe not part of the job alrite!!). Nothing much actually...hmm nite time I didn't experience any strange encounter or kena scared by 'things'...haha but I realised that wat SCARES you is not those 'things' but is actually HUMANS...lol (ask me if you wanna noe more!!) Oh ya, most importantly my frens...if you are those who always feels hungry or mouth itchy kinda person...its better for you to bring all the 'JUNK FOOD' that you wanna eat...haha cos you'll need it badly..lol (ps: jus don't eat too much alrite!! =p) well, nite duty certainly is not my cup of tea...its really tiring and its no life at all!!People out shopping,you'll be sleeping and when they sleep, you are working..haha Go to work ,reach home slp and by the time you wake up its time for work again...PLUS you will forget which day you are in... you'll look old faster and killing all the brain cells faster than before..=( but good thing is that when you become staff..the pay is good for nite duty..haha

Actually,got more to update on my experience but I'm lazy...so wanna know more..ask me ok!!wahaha ^_^

(ps: to eunice..aiyo ur room de uncle..whole nite call call call..wanna cry le la!! your turn soon!! haha all the best!!oh ya remember to bring your jacket or cardigal..its freaking cold!)

Take good care my frens and God bless!! ^o^

my love for stars never crease..

♥ Monday, November 19, 2007♥

PRCP starts...final leap of being a nursing student!! Oh well, only hope and pray to do well..hehe hmm..wat shall I update?? Recently busy with work plus the shifts..aiyo off goes my weekends...worked on sunday..yawn!! Can forget abt going to church but hopefully I'll have my Christmas off...=) Miss you gals alot..charlotte, wileen,hari, shirln, naz, bizi, Shu hui...etc. (thought same hospital and ward...we don't seem to see each other, sad thing =( plus off days diff!! haiz)

Recently, met up with Andy to get my "overseas" gifts...lol from Australia!! Thx alot man...=X So long nv go Amk ave 10's mac..was renovated and wow the ambience damn nice and cosy...Plus it has been like so long since I entered Mac..haha get what I mean?? Anw, miss my sec frens alot....ah joyce, ah mei, ah cheng plus the guys..haha wonder when will we meet up again??? Heehee ps:(guess joyce is having a headache nw when she read this!! Su mei...don think you can escape ok...if free pls plan our next meeting...haha or else ppl will call me and ask de lo!!) hahahaha

Guess wat??I'm gonna start my night shift le...this thurs...ahhhh seriously my sleeping time will be affected and my 'time sense'..haha (wat a word) will be lost...just exaggerating lol!! Well, will update my night duty experience my next off day ok...(since everyone so curious wat to do on night duty..keke)

So long my frens....take good care alrite and keep in touch!! ^__^ God bless!!

my love for stars never crease..

♥ Saturday, November 10, 2007♥

Went out with shu hui today...hmmm being friends for so long oredi,this is the first time we went out...hahaha well was sort of a last min decision after work to decide to go out. Lol was supposed to go get a cardigal for myself and help to find a present for her friend...^^ Went to far east plaza and walked for a while before we found something suitable for her fren..phew...and me?? Ended up doing window shopping...Had a great day with shu...heehee walk eat walk eat walk....and she got herself a blouse..look nice on her!!=) Chatted alot and thks shu for sharing...haha me kpo!! Lol After tat,went to Clarke quay to look for her frens and for dinner?! haha Had alot fun today though we only walk and eat....lol hope to hang out again!!=)

Read something that I found meaningful:

Faith is a gift of God,but doubt is a choice. Doubt is a result of thoughts formed in the mind that are in direct opposition to God's word. We are immediately able to discern the devil's lies when we know God's word. Doubt is just another part of the devil's arsenal of weapons aimed against our minds. It oftens comes to reside where faith once lived and it tries to push faith aside. Doubt isn't simply unbelief..it always come with a 'but, 'or', 'I want to believe but...''. We have the option to decide whether to accept or reject our thoughts. That means when doubt knocks on the door of our minds,we have the option of inviting it in or calmly but firmly dismissing it. The choice is ours. We can believe or we can doubt and we know the path of believing leads to the blessings of God. Don't fall into the trap of saying you believe in God when your heart is filled with doubts and questions. Choose true faith and say "Lord, I believe. I may not always understand but I trust You."

my love for stars never crease..

♥ Wednesday, November 7, 2007♥

So fast...few more days gonna start PRCP...oh great gotta know that I'm staying put in the same ward for the next 3 MONTHS and thank God I'll be in my same cubicle...hooray I should rejoice abt it...Heard abt the others going ICU, Onco,haemoto ward...etc Just hope everyone can get throught it and soon we'll be MISSY!! The schedule is to follow the preceptor's roster...which means shifts is unpredictable and gonna work 6 days in a week!! Bye Bye PH,Bye Bye WEEKENDS...=( Now thinking, wonder will I be able to meet up with frens if there's gathering!! Oh BOTHER!!! I want my Christmas....Plus I want to watch TV..haha This is going be my LAST WEEKEND to be free...haiz


my love for stars never crease..

♥ Thursday, November 1, 2007♥

Happy All Saints Day....& Blessed BIRTHDAY to Ben Kor...haha November is a headache month for me.....so many birthdays in my family coming soon...hehe well today celebrated kor's 30th birthday...haha old man le..opps!!!He did some funny pose though and my sis bought a cake for him...its DURIAN CAKE COATED WITH CHOCOLATE...wah....really DELICIOUS!!! slurp slurp!! But one slice is enough to savour the taste...hah tat's abt it...look below for photos....Well since today its his 30th birthday,such coincidence is tat we had a party popper for him,which has the no. 30 on it, the cake cost $30...hehe

Anw, got to know my posting for PRCP....staying put @ my current gerontology medical ward...wonder is it a good thing anot....old ppl...hope I won't get female cubicles...haiz!! So in-the matter-of-fact thingy..I'm going to be at the same ward for nearly 4 good months...oooooooooh tell me abt it...Lucky the staffs are nice but don't know abt the others...hope I get to remain in my cubicle!!! Praying hard!!

my love for stars never crease..
